
Posts Tagged ‘Final Fantasy’

Video Game Music

October 20, 2010 2 comments

Music, for me, is one of the most important aspects of a video game. When used correctly it can provide atmosphere, ambiance, or character to a game. Music in general, especially epic or moody pieces, I enjoy so I thought I would make a list of my top 10 favorite video game songs. The music had to be, to my knowledge, original for that video game, or video game series. Also to prevent this from being a list of mostly Legend of Zelda music (haha) I limited myself to one song per franchise but you might find me talking about other songs in each songs description. So without further explanation, my favorite video game songs:

10. Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal- main theme

The expansion to the best RPG of all time’s main menu music is incredibly epic. It might have been because of having to spend hours in the character creation screen with this music playing but I can no longer associate Baldur’s Gate II with much else other than this and the original’s main menu music. The original’s doesn’t quite match this in epicness and awesomeness but is no less catchy and so this wins out between the two.

9. Portal- Still Alive

The first time I beat Portal was 3 hours after it came out. And then this song played. I could not stop laughing. A lot more funny and a lot less creepy than HAL 9000’s “Daisy Bell.” Read more…