
Posts Tagged ‘webcomics’


March 21, 2010 1 comment

Finding good webcomics involves shifting through a giant wasteland of mediocre to horrible strips to find those few gems that combine a couple of important aspects.

1. Story/Humor- a good webcomic needs to have, above all, good humor or an involving storyline. Whether it is a comic of one-off jokes or its in an episodic format the dialogue needs to be sharp, witty, and if it’s the right tone for the story, laugh-out-loud funny. Almost everything else can be forgiven as long this is done right, of course taken to this extreme the author really should look into literature or screenplay writing as a new job as that is what they are essentially writing at that point.

2. Artwork- this can not be stressed enough, what differentiates a comic from other forms of entertainment is the interplay between visuals and dialogue in a static form. As I said with number 1, you might be able to get away on your strong story alone, but you really aren’t making a webcomic at that point anymore. The artwork needs to be good, it needs to be eye grabbing, and it needs to communicate movement, emotion, and character. While elaborate and extremely artistic graphics could be a major draw for your comic they are not necessarily needed; two of the four webcomics I talk about in this post are done using stick figures and yet they communicate all the requirements I talked about and more.

3. Regular updates- this one may not be important to Read more…